Loremaster Alec's Pub

The Quill and Saber Tavern prides itself on excellent service, good food, cool drinks, a warm fire, hot barkeeps, and good friends. Enjoy your stay. No brawling.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Too Many Books

It seems that I visit the booksellers' stalls all too often. Actually, I do not frequent such places much any more, but friends and relatives continue to give me books as gifts. I have also achieved membership in several scholarly societies, each of which sends me a journal of their proceedings on a quarterly basis. In addition, I have more than one-hundred books on loan from the library attached to the local academy.

All of these books barely fit into the living quarters above this tavern. I have run out of shelves to store all of them, or, more appropriately, to display all of them in an ordered fashion that allows me to view the titles on the spine with ease. I do not have room in the living quarters for any more shelves, even if I could afford the services of a joiner to construct them. A few days ago I resorted to stashing a small pile of books under my bed, a secret treasure of knowledge. Several more stacks have been situated under my desk.

If I ever move to a larger tavern, I shall consider giving away or selling some of my volumes. I just cannot imagine how I would choose which to save and which I could bear to send away. I am truly a bibliophile.


Blogger BZ said...

Boy. I go away for a day and come back to a wealth of posts on which I need to catch up! I love my books, too. I do not have anywhere to put them, so they sit in boxes upon boxes at a location I rarely visit. So sad.

8:03 PM  

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