Loremaster Alec's Pub

The Quill and Saber Tavern prides itself on excellent service, good food, cool drinks, a warm fire, hot barkeeps, and good friends. Enjoy your stay. No brawling.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Doppelganger of the Day

I have warned you before that doppelgangers walk among us. Yesterday one or two patrons seemed to figure out the truth of that matter. Now I present conclusive evidence that doppelgangers do exist and have infiltrated our ranks. You probably recognize this gentleman. You know that you have seen him before ... if you could just put your finger on it. Yes, you know. You just saw him over at Master Volsfan's brewery ... but there is no possible way that he could have gotten to the Quill and Saber Tavern before you arrived. He was actively entertaining Master Volsfan and his patrons. How can this be?!

I offer you proof that doppelgangers do exist. One is in my tavern at this very moment. If you do not beleive me, go back to Master Volsfan's brewery and see for yourself that the original gentleman remained there the whole time. Be not afraid, however, since this doppelganger seems more than friendly and only wishes to please the patrons of the Quill and Saber.


Blogger volsfan said...

Thanks for sharing other photos from that shoot! I didn't know where they were from but THANKS!

11:51 AM  
Blogger arkie said...

OK, I want to see at least one photo that isn't cropped, please?


(I had a rather vulgar comment, but decided to pretend I wouldn't say something vulgar.)

11:30 PM  

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