Loremaster Alec's Pub

The Quill and Saber Tavern prides itself on excellent service, good food, cool drinks, a warm fire, hot barkeeps, and good friends. Enjoy your stay. No brawling.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Upholsterer of the Day

Yeah, the common room here at the tavern may look a little spartan, comfortable, certainly nothing too fancy, but I like to provide a few more amenities in the upstairs rooms for those patrons and travelers who chose to spend the night. Instead of the benches and stools here in the common room, the upstairs rooms have padded chairs and couches. Our resident lady of the night even has a feather mattress in her room. To maintain the quality of those furnishings and keep up with the current fashions, a local upholsterer replaces the fabric on a regular basis. I have never seen him use velvet for any of his upholstery, yet he sure seems to have a lot of it in his shop.

You may have notived by now that even though the mugs and goblets have been replaced, the Quill and Saber continues to use its classic pint glasses with the proprietor's monogram. How could there ever be a substitute?

Friday, July 07, 2006

Shopkeeper of the Day

This small town has been rather quiet for a while, but now that summer has arrived perhaps the tavern will become a little more busy, providing my regular patrons are interested in returning for some company and some ales.

As part of the spring cleaning and preparation for the summer season, I purchased new bowls, mugs, and goblets from a local shopkeeper who seemed quite pleased to provide a nice package for me. Actually, this shopkeeper has always been quite kind in our transactions. If ever I cannot find exactly what I need, he lets me come behind the counter and rummage through his merchandise. Indeed, he gives new meaning to customer service.