Loremaster Alec's Pub

The Quill and Saber Tavern prides itself on excellent service, good food, cool drinks, a warm fire, hot barkeeps, and good friends. Enjoy your stay. No brawling.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Joiners of the Day

The tavern would not be nearly as comfortable without the hard work of the joiners who crafted the tables and chairs --- and who repair all the furnishings following the occasional brawl. These artisans really know how to work with wood, how to use wood to bring pleasure to those of us who acquire their services. Like most artisans in this town, they are members of their guild, an affiliation they take very seriously. In fact, the bond between master joiner and his apprentice seems to be closer than any other.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Hunter of the Day

I hope that all my fine patrons are enjoying the fare at the Quill and Saber now that I am able to devote more attention to running this establishment. There's plenty of ale to go around, plus tonight we will enjoy a very special dinner. Instead of the usual stew, the cook is serving stag with potatos and herbs.

Of course, this special meal to celebrate so many townsfolk stopping by the tavern would not have been possible without the hunter who stealthily slipped through the forest tracking the stag. He always has an arrow at the ready, prepared to take that shot and hit the bullseye.

I hear a rumor that hot buns will be served for dessert.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wilderness Guide of the Day

Our little town is a nice place to spend time on most days, but sometimes it's good to venture beyond the gates and explore the rest of the world. It can be dangerous out there with robbers, monsters, and wildlife. If you're keeping to the roads and moving between villages, then traveling along with a trade caravan might be a good idea since they tend to hire mercenaries for protection.

If you're staying in the general vicinity of our town, however, and just looking to hike through the foothills and the forests then it might not be a bad idea to hire the services of a wilderness guide for the day. A wilderness guide tends to be big and burly enough to keep you safe from whatever creatures roam the fields and woods. He can also idenify the local flora so you know if it is safe to snuggle down on those particular plants for a little sunbathing or whatever else strikes your fancy.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Traveller of the Day

Everything has been so busy in the tavern and around town recently that I have not had much of a chance to sit down and really have a conversation with my most favorite patrons and townsfolk. Many thanks to those of you who have continued to patronize this establishment over the past couple of months even as your host has been less than gracious and frequently absent. In the coming months I will attempt to offer the same quality of service that you experienced when the tavern first opened, but I also beg your understanding when other responsibilities demand my attention.

As much as I love all the townsfolk that drop by for an ale on a regular basis, I also enjoy the travellers who spend just a night or two at the tavern. I try to give my patrons as much privacy as they need. I never ask what happens in the rooms they rent as long as they do not destroy the furnishings. I strongly suspect that one recent patron was in town to have his portrait painted. After all, the linens and the paper hangings in his portrait certainly look like those in a room rented at a tavern, don't you think?